Team meetings, discussions and workshops are the key medium where employees come together to address issues, create solutions, manage tasks, develop new strategies and more. Yet, how often have you sat in a meeting where little progress is made, issues don't get addressed, and you end up asking yourself, "What are we doing here?"
Team Coaching focuses on helping teams improve how they function together, leading to better decisions, better outcomes, and increased engagement. By re-establishing ground rules and expectations for how the team interacts, introducing interaction tools and concepts, and building a willingness to call out unspoken elephants in the room, teams are able to not only improve their performance, but also increase engagement and creativity to drive innovative ideas.
If your team may not be performing at its best, or could use a boost in its cohesion, Team Coaching can help.
Cohesion Boost
A quick boost to teams that already function relatively well - ideal for off-sites and workshops. Includes:
Preparatory Session with team lead(s)
Team Intake Assessment
Initial Team Session (including co-creating, expectation (re)setting, interaction tools and concepts introduction, and group coaching)
Two Follow-up Team Sessions (including reconfirming co-creation and expectation (re)setting, and group coaching) within 5 weeks
Team Progress Assessment
Team Workout
A more in-depth focus on team functioning over several weeks. Ideal for teams that already function relatively well and are looking to supercharge their cohesion and performance. Includes:
Preparatory Session with team lead(s)
Team Intake Assessment
Initial Team Session (including co-creating, expectation (re)setting, interaction tools and concepts introduction, and group coaching)
Second Team Session (delving more deeply into co-creating, expectations, interaction tools and concepts, and group coaching)
Three Follow-up Team Sessions (including reconfirming co-creation and expectation (re)setting, and group coaching) within 8 weeks
Team Progress Assessment
Team Reset
A concentrated dive into team expectations, functioning, and challenges. Ideal for teams that are not functioning well, that are "going off the rails," and/or are facing crisis. Includes:
Preparatory Session with team lead(s)
Team Intake Assessment
Initial Team Session (including co-creating, expectation (re)setting, interaction tools and concepts introduction, and group coaching)
Second Team Session (delving more deeply into co-creating, expectations, interaction tools and concepts, and group coaching)
Two Follow-up Team Sessions (including reconfirming co-creation and expectation (re)setting, and group coaching) within 5 weeks
Final Team Session (including setting team commitments moving forward, finalizing expectations and accountability, and group coaching)
Team Progress Assessment
Session structure may change based on individual needs and requirements. All packages have an option for continued coaching sessions after completion.