Getting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck

Sometimes as a person and a leader, we get stuck. We feel stagnant with what we are doing, and why we are doing it.

This impacts our effectiveness and productivity at work, and creates a drag on our personal selves.

Other times, we might need to revisit what we're doing or where we're going, either because of a layoff or another change in our lives.

This package focuses on revisiting your own drivers, beliefs, and underlying values, to help you become more focused, productive, and courageous.

Base Package:

Ideal for individuals who feel stagnant, and those looking to refocus their work life, either after a layoff or just stuck feeling like they're in the wrong job.


  • Intake and self-assessment

  • Values-focused worksheets and learning

  • 5 one-on-one coaching sessions

  • Closeout and ongoing direction session

Base Cost: $2,800

Structure and costs may change based on individual needs and requirements.